Posts Tagged ‘functional training’
Playground Workout
It was a LONG winter and we are all excited about spending some time outdoors! The park or playground is the perfect spot for the entire family to move together. While your kids are jumping, swinging and playing it is also a great opportunity for you to do the same with some adult variations. The…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Arm Weights Series Biceps
With tank top season around the corner……..hopefully, the standing arm weights are a great add on to the mat work. You will only need a light weight of 2-3lbs to make these exercise effective. The more that you can actively put the work into your own body the heavier those 2-3lbs will feel! Bicep Curls…
Read MoreMarch MATness – The Push-Up
Push-Ups are a great and effective way to strengthen the upper body. The important thing to remember is to keep the full body connection. Body is in a strong straight line from the head to heels. Arms are a little wider than shoulder width apart with the entire palm and all ten fingers actively pressing…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Leg Pull
The LegPull is basically the reverse of the Leg Pull Front. Once again, focus on finding and maintaining the ‘full body’ connection through out the movement. Holding the position and focusing on your breath and stability is a great option to build strength if you are not quite ready to add in the leg lifts!…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Leg Pull Front
Leg pull front begins in a straight-arm plank position…….. think push up. When you are in the straight-arm plank you should feel every muscle in your body working to support the position and movement. Maintain proper alignment of the head and spine. Actively press your arms, palms and all ten fingers into the mat. The…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Swimming
Swimming is a common exercise that you have probably done or seen in any fitness class. Swimming is a contralateral movement and therefore a challenging exercise when executed properly. Focus on maintaining a long lower back and putting more of the work into the upper back. The deeper you lengthen and put the work into…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Hip Twist
From the teaser we move right into the hip twist. Your in the hip twist is to keep everything from the waist up stable as the legs are circling. Also, focus on keeping the chest lifted. The hip twist is a great way to stretch the lower back. Hip Twist From your teaser position, extend…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Side Kicks
Side kicks series challenges your stability while lying on your side. The closer the body is to a straight line from the crown of the head through your toes the more challenging it will be, so choose an angle that works for your body. As the leg is moving focus on creating as much length…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Saw
It’s hard to believe we are almost half way through March MATness! By now you have hopefully developed and devoted yourself to a daily practice of moving well. Today we are doing Spine Twist, which is similar to the rotational twist in Saw, except that your legs stay glued together. A great tool to keep…
Read MoreMarch MATness – Single Leg Kick and Double Leg Kick
Single Leg Kick Lie on your stomach with your upper body propped up on your elbows Actively pull your abdominals in, anchor your pubic bone into the mat and squeeze your thighs together Squeeze your glutes and try to lift your legs a few inches away from the mat Keeping the legs lifted and thighs…
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