March MATness – Arm Weights – Chest Expansion, Shaving, Sparklers

With tank top season around the corner……..hopefully, the standing arm weights are a great add on to the mat work. You will only need a light weight of 2-3lbs to make these exercise effective. The more that you can actively put the work into your own body the heavier those 2-3lbs will feel!

Chest Expansion 

  1. Stand tall with your arms extended straight at shoulder height
  2. Inhale press the arms down and back as you maintain a stacked and stable spine
  3. Hold and turn your head right, center, left center and exhale as your release the arms back to shoulder height. Repeat 4-6x

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  1. Lift the arms up and overhead as you actively press the heads of the weights together
  2. Bend the arms and bring the hands and weights behind the head and neck keeping the elbows broad, chest lifted and spine stacked.
  3. Inhale and press the arms long, reaching longer each time. Repeat 6-10x

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  1. Hold onto the ends of the weights with the arms long in front of your hips
  2. Inhale and begin lifting the weights by drawing small circles up toward the ceiling for 8-10 counts
  3. Exhale as you circle back down. Repeat 3-6x
  4. Make sure you are using the full length of the arm to circle
