March MATness – Leg Pull

The LegPull is basically the reverse of the Leg Pull Front. Once again, focus on finding and maintaining the ‘full body’ connection through out the movement. Holding the position and focusing on your breath and stability is a great option to build strength if you are not quite ready to add in the leg lifts!

Leg Pull

  1. Sit with your legs extended long and together on the mat
  2. Arms are extended long by your side with the palms actively pressing into the mat, fingers facing your hips
  3. Continue to actively press into the mat with the arms as you squeeze your glutes and thighs together and lift the hips off the mat
  4. Body is lifted and lengthened into a strong straight line
  5. Maintaining stability in the hips and torso, lift the right leg as high as you can
  6. Lower with control and switch sides. Repeat 3x each side

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